R.I.P All Of You
The death of friends and family members really bring me down. Whenever someone close in my life passes away, I feel like my life is over. I cry at funerals and sometimes after, but when I realize they are in a better place, all my tears go away. In the past month, I have had three people in my life pass away. I am not sure how they lived their life, but I know they are in a better place. It really hurts me when love ones in my life die, but I have to remember that I will see them one day in the future. Somtimes I feel as if my wounds have healed, but when I think about all the goods times my loved ones had and the fact that I will not see them again, my wound is unhealed once again. As of about, three weeks ago, I told myself that it is not worth crying over deaths. I should just celebrate because I know that they are doing better than me now.
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